Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Breaking Some and Keeping Some

January of 2011 is about to come to a close and my quest to modify my life based on a variety of resolutions hasn't gone like I had hoped it would.  I have broken more resolutions than I have kept.  I tried to write something every day and this has proved to be more difficult than I originally thought.  This takes me back to a larger issue that I seem to struggle with as a working mom of two with well, terrible time management issues.  I am now breaking things out in small steps.  Filing things away at work and trying to keep my desktop clean.  Keeping projects organized and ahead of deadlines so I can fit in booking doctors appointments and filling prescriptions during my lunch hour. These are small steps towards a much bigger goal.  How can I expect to find the time or energy to write every day when I have so much hanging over my head.  I can't.  So, I will slowly start to chip away at the vines swinging above me and weighing me down and be happy with that step of modification.

And the other big change- something I am starting to fit back into my life?  Taking care of myself.  The weight issues are literally weighing me down.  Being about 30 pounds overweight is tough,  It makes getting dressed in the morning difficult.  I am much more tired and unhappy due to this heaviness and I am finally tackling it.  I started running on my new treadmill again and today I started day 1 of 60 of the INSANITY workout.  And insane it it.  I am tired and sore but I feel amazing.  I will keep tracking the progress here with before and after photos, measurements etc.  It is a step towards being accountable and by putting it out there, I will look for support of friends, family, and cyberspace through these next 60 days.  And the pay-off?  We booked our first family vacation to St. John which will happen a few weeks after I finish my 60 day training plan.  Here we go!  Next post- before photo- weight and measurements. 

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