Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year of the Modifier

I started a little blog a few years back to journal about my children, my hectic working life, and basically have a creative outlet for myself.  Lately, I have realized that more and more my writing became less about my kids and more about the changes I was going through as a person and my desire to become a better mom and a better human being.  I have been attempting this metamorphosis physically, mentally, and through revealing a set of truths about myself. 

Originally, my plan was that my blog would become an on-line baby book for my children.  I would always have that domain for them, and would always chronicle their upbringing with fun stories and photos.  What I began to notice was that so much of what 'Life with Maggie and Ben' was supposed to be about was falling second to my hectic lifestyle and desire to improve it.  So, I have decided that most everything to do with my own personal journey for change will be chronicled here on 'Mom in Modification'.  I think that this year more than ever will be my most fervent attempt at becoming who I want to be, and I want to focus on chronicling it here and leaving Maggie and Ben's page...well, for Maggie and Ben.

I hope you check out both, but for those interested in my weight loss, exercise, and life wellness progress, come and check this out.  For those who want to see how big Maggie is and how often Ben is pulling her hair these days, keep on keepin on to 'Life with Maggie and Ben'.  And hopefully you'll read both.  And hopefully I will continue to find the time to devote to both.  I realize the best part of me modifying is continuing to do the things that make me happy.  And writing does.  I may not be the voice of our generation, but I have some things to say, and enjoy putting them out there.  I hope you do too.

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