Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oops, I Did It Again.

I played with my heart, got lost in game, oh baby, baby.  Yes, this is me, quoting a Britney Spears song.  The complete and true bottom of the barrel.  The only thing I have learned since January 1st is that I should not make resolutions.  I cannot keep them.  And why can't I keep them?  I put too damn many on the list.  This is called Mom in Modification though people, not Mom Instantly Modified.   This is going to take time, me meeting my goals.  One thing I keep coming back to is how disorganized and overextended I feel.  I look at other moms who are balancing the same load and make excuses for how they must be doing it so much more completely than me.  Must be more money, better job, husband, kids who don't meltdown in restaurants and aren't picky eaters.

But then I have to remind myself that I have an amazing life with beautiful, healthy, wonderful kids and a supportive, all hands on deck husband who puts up with all of my neurosis.  I am going to take this on in a different way.  Peel back one layer at a time.  And time is what it comes down to.  Getting some more of it. And a huge part of that is how I manage my life.  There are some big 'To Do's'  on my list towards managing this part of my life.

1. Starting and maintaining a family budget.
2. Making a WILL
3. Getting my daughter enrolled in kindergarten and after school care.
4. Paying bills on time and lowering interest rates on credit cards bills.
5. Getting additional life insurance for me and my husband.
6. Finding the time to work out at least 3 days a week.
7. Planning family meals and eating out less.

These 7 things are what I will be focusing on this month and through March.  All attainable goals which can be measured.  And I can set my sights on these one at a time.  So, by the end of March I hope to be singing the tune of "I'm a Believer" instead of any Britney vocals.  And I can only do that if I believe in myself.  Step one- budget.  Here we go again...